
Witcher 3 wanna talk to menge or hands off
Witcher 3 wanna talk to menge or hands off

The rest of the parts of the quest involving the tree spirit were free of audio problems. I crossed my fingers and hoped for the best. I bargained with the spirit, and it automatically switched me to tracking the Hillock quest. "The problem is resolved." Only I'd made some different choices now that I had context for what was happening in game. I was able to hear all of the spirit's dialog. (Ugh, about three hours lost.) This time, I made sure not to track The Whispering Hillock quest. Is there some verified way to prevent myself from experiencing this problem in the future? Or do I have to re-play the last several hours and make sure I don't track Whispering Hillock while in the whispering hillock? I've tried reloading an earlier save (but one from after the problem started), and the problem was still present.

#Witcher 3 wanna talk to menge or hands off Ps4

I'm on a PS4 (not PS4 Pro), playing the digital download of Wild Hunt: Complete Edition. I'm hoping Projekt Red has a good amount of data on the problem already. The searching I've done on this topic so far suggests a lot of people have encountered variations on this problem over the years, but I haven't seen any definite solutions for PS4 users. I always hear Geralt's dialog - and thus, his end of conversations - but it seems everyone else's can be impacted.

witcher 3 wanna talk to menge or hands off

I played about another hour or so into the game, and now, the audio loss is more subtle, but it appears to be persistent. Then, during Ciri's section, other parts of the audio - sometimes dialog, often music, and frequently sound effects - cut out.

witcher 3 wanna talk to menge or hands off

When I spoke to the Crones immediately afterward, I only heard about 5% of their dialog, although I heard all the insect buzzing effects. Assuming it was an isolated bug, I kept playing, making the surprisingly-consequential choice despite not having any idea what was going on. I never heard a single word of the spirit's dialog. Sometime after I embarked upon Ladies of the Wood and tracked The Whispering Hillock (I'd since read elsewhere that tracking this quest might cause the problem,) I started having audio problems, although I didn't realize it until I encountered the spirit in the tree. Persistent audio problems after Whispering Hillock

Witcher 3 wanna talk to menge or hands off